Autowired can be ignored in Constructors

In this blog post, we will see the @Autowired Annotation in the Constructor Injection in Spring Framework.

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How to Make Comma Separated Tags

In this blog post, we will see how to customize the tags when displayed in the Hugo site, especially with the Fuji theme.

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How to Add Author Info

How to Add Author Info

In this blog post, we will seee how can we add the Author Info into the blog posts with Fuji Theme.

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Add Word Counter to Posts

Add Word Counter to Posts

In this post, we will see how can we get the statistics on the Word Counter for every blog post in Hugo - both in the Summary and the detailed page.

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Add Read Time to Posts

Add Read Time to Posts

In this post, we will see how can we get the statistics on the Read Time for every blog post in Hugo - both in the Summary and the detailed page.

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Default Dark Theme

Default Dark Theme

In this blog post, we will see how can we enforce the default theme to be dark, to save the energy :)

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Default Author Test

Default Author Test

Test page to verify the default author configured in the config.toml and the file.

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How to add the Context Root for URL

How to add the Context Root for the relative URLs

In this blog post, we will see how we can add the Context Root for the URLs in the posts in the Hugo Site.

If we need to specify a link to a different post, we would better keep it short as a relative URL so that we don’t mess up with the configuration hassles (local, external etc.,) as it would certainly take the current context - wherever it is deployed.

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Read More Link Avoided in Summary

Read More Conditional in Summary The Read More... link gets conditionally displayed in the <YOUR_SITE>\layouts\default\list.html file with a conditional clause. Also the <!--more--> in each specific blog post contributes additionally to render the Read More text. This blog post intentionally gets ended here without any <!--more--> to demonstrate the same. Cheers, RM… Raghavan alias Saravanan Muthu 15 Jun 2021 | Tue | 22 51 16 PM IST

Read More Link in Summary

Read More Link in Summary

Generally in the Summay page of blogs or articles, we just show an abstract or the few lines at the top with a linking text Read More.. or Read More... with a hyperlink to the article that is shown in entirety when the link is clicked.

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